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  • DCR celebrates Cashew Day in Puttur

    Mar 11th, 2025

    Directorate of Cashew Research (DCR), under Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), at Puttur in Dakshina Kannada celebrated the Cashew Day-2025 on Tuesday. Speaking on the occasion, V. Venkatasubramanian, director, Agricultural Technology Application Research Institute (ATARI), Bengaluru, emphasised on the importance of institute linkages with ICAR-Krishi Vigyan Kendras for dissemination of technologies and urged for creation of cashew hub in one of the KVKs for the benefit of farmers. In his address, C.R. Mehta, director, Central Institute of Agricultural Engineering, Bhopal, highlighted the importance of mechanisation in agriculture and their importance in pre and post-harvest operations of cashew cultivation. Praveen Malik, CEO, Agrinnovate Pvt. Ltd., Delhi, highlighted the commercialisation of institute technologies and need to develop products which are export oriented with international standards. A technology, three-in-one cashewnut separator, developed by the DCR was licensed to Phison Agritech Pvt. Ltd. on the occasion. J. Dinakara Adiga, director, DCR, in his address, highlighted the achievements made in the mechanisation of cashew production from the DCR. He also pointed out the major challenges for developing the machineries for the plantation crops especially for cashew owing to its profuse canopy architecture. Innovative Entrepreneur Award and Innovative Farmer Award of DCR were presented to Brijith Krishna, founder of Eatery Malabarikas, Kannur, Kerala and Praveen Nayak of Gadag, respectively, a release from DCR said.

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