<p></p><p>On Thursday 09 July 2015, from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., took place in the hall of the Ivory Orchid Golf Club of Abidjan Cocody, the project Feedback workshop on the topic of establishing the health map of cashew orchard , monitoring and health surveillance in Ivory Coast and perspectives ". The workshop was initiated by the Council of Cotton and Cashew in collaboration with the Laboratory of Plant Physiology University Félix Houphouët Boigny, with the support of Technical and Financial Partners iCA (the African Cashew initiatives) and GIZ. It was recorded the participation of 77 people from the Ministry of Agriculture, researchers from universities, technical and financial partners, phytosanitary firms and direct actors (exporters, buyers, cooperatives, producers, etc.) of industry. <br></p> <p>Two official speeches punctuated the opening ceremony. This is the welcome address and opening pronounced by Mr. Bamba Mamadou, respectively, Chairman of the Board of the Cotton Board and Cashew and Mr. Siaka Coulibaly Minayaha, Director of Cabinet of the Minister Agriculture. In his speech, Mr. Mamadou Bamba, expressed his appreciation and thanks to the guests first and foremost is M.le Director of Cabinet of the Minister of Agriculture Mr. Siaka Coulibaly Minayaha. <br></p> <p>He stressed that the development of the die requires a mastery of the constraints related to pests and diseases. Therefore, he congratulated the researchers for satisfactory results at mid-term, after only eight months of work. The opening of the workshop was made ??by the Director of Cabinet, who thanked the Board of Directors and the Managing Director of Cotton Council and the Cashew Mr. Malamine SANOGO for the implementation of the reform and the interest it attaches to the removal of production constraints through these preventive measures. Too, he encouraged the Council of Cotton and Cashew nut to undertake all necessary actions to make Cashew an emerging Die Die 2020 as planned. At the place of researchers, he stressed the importance of these preventive actions because they will result in compliance with trade commitments, to protect the plantations, implicitly improve productivity and living standards of the producers. Finally, he asked that the results obtained by the researchers to be published on all media to enable stakeholders to identify the disease because, these results provide a solid foundation and a first die in the Cashew. <br></p> <p>Then Professor KONE DAOUDA, Head of Plant Physiology Laboratory at UFHB and his team presented the mid-term results of their study conducted in 138 orchards distributed in 19 production regions. Different pests and diseases were presented with their level of severity and preventive measures. The main identified diseases are anthracnose caused by Colletotrichum gloeosporioides and rust caused by (Cephaleuros virescens). The main pests are stem borers (Apate terebrans, Ploceaderus feruugineus) and engravers (Analeptes trifasciatas). With more than 12 diseases (fungal, viral, bacterial), more than two (2) more than 70 parasites and insect pests have been identified. <br></p> <p>For diseases, inoculations are underway to more accurately. Finally, the participants formulated proposals and recommendations to: (i) formulations proposals adapted to the culture of Anacardier while respecting the environment; (Ii) preventive measures; (Iii) complementarity between CNRA researchers and universities through the sharing of expertise; (Iv) the involvement of extension structures such as ANADER.<br></p><p></p>