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  • Côte d'Ivoire: launch of a campaign to popularize cashew nut products 06/01/2023

    Jun 1st, 2023

    The Cashew Value Chain Competitiveness Promotion Project (PPCA), in collaboration with the Cotton and Cashew Council, launched on Wednesday, May 31, 2023, in Cocody (East of Abidjan), a campaign to popularize and promote the local consumption of cashew nut products. This campaign called '' Cashew Mother's Day '' had the theme: '' cashew, it's edible and it's good for your health''. On this occasion, Amian Jean Clotaire, who represented the Coordinator of the PPCA, explained that the current campaign to promote cashew products is a logical continuation of the actions deployed by the Cotton and Cashew Council. '' Campaigns are planned throughout the national territory, including the municipalities of Abidjan, with themes such as “Tabaski en Cajou; Cashew Paquinou…Cashew Independence),” he said. Mr. Amian added that this campaign, which runs from May 31 to June 3, will allow residents to discover the various cashew products and its virtues in order to integrate them into the diet. Continuing, he said that on the menu of this activity, there will be, among other things, exhibitions of products, cooking shows and tastings of cashew dishes. This campaign, which will end next Saturday, has the major objective of promoting and popularizing the local consumption of cashew products.
