Process fresh cashews into many good products for people and pets instead of throwing them away Thanks to processing technology, cashews can make many nutritious and good products for users; can also be used as fodder for livestock instead of discarded or partially used as fertilizer. Fresh cashews are used to reduce the risk of environmental pollution and improve economic value for cashew growers. Cashews make food for people Science and Technology Center (Binh Phuoc Department of Science and Technology) is coordinating with Nguyen Tat Thanh University (HCMC) to implement a project to produce value-added products from fruit meat. thing. Prof. Dao Tan Phat, Nguyen Tat Thanh University, said that cashew fruit is a food that is easy to digest, fragrant and sweet, contains a lot of water, rich in minerals and vitamins. In particular, vitamin C content is 5-6 times higher than lemons, 7-8 times higher than tangerines, grapefruits and many times more than bananas. Covering the young man's life is very good for the people and the foreigner instead of the father. Cashew fruit is an easy-to-digest, sweet-smelling food, containing a lot of water, rich in minerals and vitamins. Photo: Tran Khanh However, cashew fruit has not been used much because of the acrid substance in the fresh fruit. Nguyen Tat Thanh University is working with Binh Phuoc's Center for Science and Technology to eliminate this chemical. Simultaneously, the research team built a model and suitable equipment to process fresh cashews into dried cashew jam products, soluble powder, and cashew juice. Th.S. Dang Van Ha, in charge of the Applied Research Department of the Center for Science and Technology of Binh Phuoc, said that the extract from cashew fruit can be dried into a nutritious powder. This nutritional powder is used to make products such as instant tea and soft drinks. Cashew powder has the advantage of being easy to use, easy to transport and increasing the shelf life from 6-8 months. Covering the young man's life is very good for the people and the foreigner instead of the father. Processing cashews at the Science and Technology Center of Binh Phuoc province. After being thinly sliced, the cashews are dried. Photo: Hien Luong At present, the products from the laboratory have basically been completed. The product retains the sour, mild acrid taste and the characteristic scent of cashews. The next step, the team will process on a large scale. Cashew is one of the key industrial crops of Binh Phuoc province. According to cashew growers, if 1 hectare of cashew yields an average of 2 tons of seeds, there will be about 6-7 tons of fresh fruit. "Therefore, studying the process of preliminary processing and preservation as well as developing and diversifying products from cashew nuts will enhance the value of the cashew industry," shared Th.S Ha. Cashews are used as fodder for livestock Dr. Doan Vinh, Southern Animal Husbandry Sub-Institute, said that after taking the seeds, the flesh is usually removed. The utilization of post-harvest cashews not only increases the source of fodder for livestock in the dry season, but also increases the nutritional content of livestock, especially cows. However, fresh cashews fed directly to cows will not be good. Cashews left for a long time outside will ferment alcohol, easy to rot, difficult to preserve. Once fermented, cows are susceptible to methanol poisoning. Covering the young man's life is very good for the people and the foreigner instead of the father. Cashew fruits, after removing the seeds, usually remove the flesh of the fruit. Photo: Tran Khanh Therefore, the Southern Animal Husbandry Sub-Institute has studied the preservation of cashews so that cows can eat them for a long time and still retain their nutritional content, especially the amount of sugar. The branch uses cashew fruit as the main raw material, mixed with straw, corn residue, and cassava carcasses to ferment. Fermented feed will partially replace forage in the diet. With this method, cattle not only eat single feed but also feed mixed with high content of fiber, protein, sugar and vitamins to help balance nutrition, cattle gain weight quickly in the rearing cycle. Cashew trees begin to harvest during the dry season. Dr. Doan Vinh said that the preservation of cashew nuts to make animal feed is suitable for dry areas, or periods of prolonged heat.