The cotton and cashew council organized on Thursday, February 23, 2023 at the Caistab in Abidjan-Plateau, a workshop on the determination and validation of quality parameters (KOR) of cashew nuts under this year's campaign. , reports an information note sent on Saturday to This workshop, which lasted forty-eight hours, aimed on the one hand to share the quality control procedure with a view to harmonizing and validating the technical parameters of the KOR and on the other hand, to share the validation procedure quality newsletters. This training session brought together several heads of cooperatives, controllers, exporters, service providers and supervisors of private and public markets. ''The reform that had taken place in 2013 required us to deploy in front of each store of exporters and processors at least one agent who is responsible for controlling marketability. First, the moisture content, then follow the marketability of the cashew nut which is determined by the exporter. This control of marketable quality is done by the exporter but in the presence of two other people, the buyer who took the product, then the agent who is decided by the cotton and cashew council to monitor this quality. ', explained Mamadou Doumbia, the director of cotton and cashew marketing. ''It was important that we agree on how to determine this quality and know what the different methodologies are. And at this level, the State of Côte d'Ivoire has agreed to us. Codinorm has issued standards for the determination of commercial quality control of cashew nuts,'' added Mr. Doumbia. Continuing, he said that at the level of the cashew nut there are four main parameters. According to him, there is first the moisture content, which is the amount of water it can have in the nut. "This is an important criterion because 70% of our cashew nuts are exported. So we have to ensure that this rate is below 10% so that these nuts can travel in good conditions in the containers' ', estimated Mr. Doumbia. For his part, Kadjo Roméo, director of operations at ACE Côte d'Ivoire (Audit control and Expertise), a structure responsible for monitoring the procedures, explained the various specificities of the production chain. "As far as I am concerned, this year is yet another challenge. A challenge to be able to meet the quality, to do our job as well as possible. Initially at the level of unloading when the deliveries arrive from the bush, there is a control that is instituted. So, we control the humidity level. And then, we follow up on the quality control that is carried out by the economic operator,'' said Mr. Kadjo among others.