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  • Trade, industry, crafts and promotion of SMEs: Minister Souleymane Diarrassouba presents the achievements of these sectors 07/18/2022

    Jul 18th, 2022

    Abidjan, The Minister of Trade and Industry, Souleymane Diarrassouba, presented, on Thursday July 14, 2022 in Abidjan, the achievements of the sectors of trade, industry, crafts and the promotion of SMEs. He was in front of Internet users, as part of Gouv'Talk, a monthly exchange meeting initiated by the Government Information and Communication Center (CICG) with members of the government, and broadcast live on the Facebook page of the government. Souleymane Diarrassouba noted that the value added share of trade, which has been rising in recent years, represents 17.2% of Gross Domestic Product (GDP), while that of manufacturing industry stands at 9.4% of GDP. . As for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs), they constitute more than 90% of the business fabric in Côte d'Ivoire and contribute less than 20% of GDP and 23% of formal employment. The share of contracts awarded to SMEs increased from 37.7% in 2020 to 50.5% in 2021. The actions of the Côte d'Ivoire SME Agency have helped 24,527 SMEs, including 13,850 who benefited from technical and managerial capacity building sessions for their managers and staff between January 2018 and December 2021. To accelerate the creation of wealth and jobs through the development of industry, continued the minister, his department has undertaken the rehabilitation of old industrial areas, including Yopougon (469 ha) and the development of new areas, including Akoupé. -Zeudji PK24, Yamoussoukro, Bonoua, San Pedro, and areas dedicated to cashew processing (Korhogo, Bondoukou, Séguéla, Bouaké). The development of industrial infrastructure has allowed, according to him, the installation of more than 1,100 industrial companies by the end of 2021. In addition, the National Program for the Restructuring and Upgrading of Industrial Enterprises (PNRMN) has made it possible to support 105 industrial enterprises and to assist in the certification of various quality standards for 30 industrial enterprises. In the handicraft sector, which includes eight branches of activity, 40 trades and 245 trades covering the areas of extraction, production, processing and service provision, several reforms and investments have been undertaken. . At least 800 ha of land will be made available for the establishment of artisanal infrastructures throughout the national territory. A vast capacity building program for mechanical artisans is implemented in the districts, with 220 beneficiaries in Abidjan in 2021, and 800 mechanical artisans in training in 2022 and 2023 in five autonomous districts (Abidjan, Yamoussoukro, Vallée du Bandama , Bas Sassandra and Savanes). For the minister, these achievements will make it possible to realize the vision of the President of the Republic through the program "A Solidarity of Côte d'Ivoire" which consists in structurally transforming the Ivorian economy.
