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  • The cashew nut marketing campaign for the 2022 season officially launched in Togo 02/24/2022

    Feb 24th, 2022

    The farm gate price of cashew nuts for the marketing campaign for the 2022 season is set at 340 francs per kilogram. It was during an official launch ceremony on February 18, 2022 in Sokodé, headquarters of the Interprofessional Council of the Anacarde Sector in Togo (CIFAT). This official launch follows the interprofessional agreements concluded on February 17 between the five (05) links of the cashew nut sector and sanctioned by three (03) decisions contained in the minutes of the meeting. Placed under the theme: "Promotion of the quality of raw cashew nuts through capacity building of value chain actors", this 6th edition of the marketing campaign for raw cashew nuts and its derivative products challenged all actors to demonstrate seriousness and the application of good agricultural practices. In five years (2016-2021), national cashew production has increased from 16,000 tons to 27,360 tons, an increase of 71%. Also practical provisions are taken by the CIFAT under the present marketing campaign to better guide the purchase-sale operations and ensure the traceability of the nuts according to the requirements of the regulatory texts of the cashew nut sector in Togo. By officially launching the campaign, the Director General of Trade, Mr. ABE Talime, representing the Minister of Trade, Industry and Local Consumption, reassured the various stakeholders that "significant progress has been made in the consultations between all the actors for the operationalization of the management fund of the sector ". Also he added: " the Government endorses the concerns of the actors of the sector and provisions are taken for structuring investments for the benefit of the various links of the sector but also for the good functioning of the organs of management of the sector. ".
