nuts (Cashew) said that the first time you remember that kajugaranci characteristic flavor. Cashews or salted cashews look good; But cashews work to enhance the nutrition and flavor of a variety of foods, from ice cream to vegetables. If your eyes are said cashew farming wheels (Kokan) and govyatalya (Goa) gardens of nuts (Cashew Farms,) . Cashew cultivation is widespread in the Coastal Region as well as in non-water scarce areas across the country; However, even in Marathwada, cashew cultivation can be done well and good yield can be obtained from it. A farmer in Latur has proved this through his own experiment. 'TV Nine HindiHas reported about it. Before learning about this experiment, let's learn a little about the production of cashews. Ivory Coast, the world (Ivory Coast) is the largest production country kajucam. Followed by India (India) is the second largest producer of cashew nuts. Cashew processing industry (Cashew Processing) is the first place in India. Cashew-tree borders bhagatalam humid (Humid Climate) good manavatam. Therefore, cashew is widely grown on the west and east coasts of the country. Considering the country production of Maharashtra (Maharashtra) tops the annual production was around side of Maharashtra much nuts million tonnes. Maharashtra is followed by Andhra Pradesh. As mentioned above, cashew production in Maharashtra is mainly done in the coastal areas i.e. in the districts of Konkan. Ratnagiri, Sindhudurg district has a large number of cashew orchards; However, with proper care, cashew production can be improved even in low rainfall, dry climates and coastal areas like Marathwada, as Vishnu Kadam, a farmer from Latur, has proved. Kadam, who lives in Umarga in Nilanga taluka of Latur, had planted quality cashew seedlings from Konkan in 2016. Read this - terrible! Husband beats wife in anger; Domestic disputes; Wife loses life He planted 100 cuttings of cashew nuts on 1.5 acres of barren land. He took expert guidance on how to take care of those clauses, as well as studied it himself. Accordingly, he managed those articles properly for four years. Their hard work paid off, and this year their cashew trees bore fruit. This year, in the first year of production, they have produced two tonnes of cashew nuts, earning Rs 80,000. As this is the first year of production, Cashew Farming will increase in the future and will be even more profitable, Kadam told TV Nine Hindi. Due to the success of this experiment of taking cashew production in Marathwada, the farmers of the surrounding villages have also got inspiration. Many farmers come to Kadam and see his cashew orchards. Kadam is also giving them all the information about cashew farming. Also, they are sharing their experiences with other farmers. This has made some more farmers want to cultivate cashew nuts. Therefore, if cashew nuts from Marathwada start appearing in the market in the near future, don't be surprised.