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  • 'Farms are going to need different kinds of robots' 03/01/2021

    Mar 1st, 2021

    <p>A closer inspection, however, would reveal that these particular bovines are a bit more high-tech than normal.&nbsp;Behind one ear, each carries a device roughly the size of a matchbox - a tamper-proof, solar-powered, satellite-connected smart &quot;tag&quot; that is constantly transmitting real-time data back to the farmer.&nbsp;&quot;It tells us where the animal is with GPS, and also what condition the animal is in,&quot; explains David Smith, the chief executive of Ceres Tag, the Brisbane-based firm behind the technology.&nbsp;&quot;We have a very sophisticated algorithm for things like pasture feed intake, so we know what the feed efficiency of the animal is. From that, we can start making some genetic selections.&quot;&nbsp;These tags - which also monitor rumination, or re-chewing, levels, and other health and fitness factors - are just one way in which the latest technologies are finding their way into agriculture.</p>
