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  • Brobo / Cashew nut sector: A shelling unit shares its experience 02/22/2021

    Feb 22nd, 2021

    <p>On the initiative of the Cotton and Cashew Council (Cca), the shelling unit of the Souralet de Brobo cooperative received on Monday, February 15, 2021, about forty cashew cooperatives, for a visit. exchange and sharing of experiences. This visit is part of the Cashew Nut Development and Competitiveness Promotion Project (Ppca).</p> <p><br /> Justifying the opportunity, Vincent Nakan Djan, specialist in charge of professional agricultural organizations (Opa) at the Ppca level, affirmed that beyond theoretical training, it is advisable, to obtain more convincing results, to associate convenient.</p> <p>&ldquo;Among a set of cooperatives that do the same activities, there are some that do better, while others do less well. It turns out that between them, there is this sharing of experiences which will make it possible to capitalize on what each has learned from the other and once they return, they can use it to succeed in their activities &rdquo;, he said. -he says.</p> <p>Once on the site of the Souralet cooperative&#39;s shelling unit, the representatives of the 42 invited cooperatives were given a guided tour which enabled them to understand what made it so successful.</p> <p>At the end of this visit, Mamadou Ciss&eacute; dit Zar&eacute;, president of the Cooperative Society of Cashew Nut Producers of Korodougou in the B&eacute;r&eacute; region (Mankono), was delighted with this visit. &ldquo;We are leaving with a lot of lessons that will serve us well. Especially since the project which allowed the Souralet cooperative to benefit from this unit has already contacted us &rdquo;, he revealed.</p> <p>For his part, Gui Lou Iri&eacute; Ta Bi, Pca of the Dissoa women&#39;s production and distribution cooperative of Gohitafla (Marahou&eacute;), whose cooperative benefited from this project, noted above all that such a project contributes to the fight against poverty. &ldquo;With this project, young people and women will have work. This will allow them to get out of precariousness, &rdquo;she said.</p> <p>Moreover, according to Cl&eacute;ment Kouassi Kouam&eacute;, president of the Souralet cooperative, 115 people are employed, including 77 young women. &ldquo;For the 2020 campaign, we had managed to process 210 tonnes of cashew nuts. This enabled us to obtain 47,794 tons of almonds &rdquo;, welcomed the president of the Souralet cooperative, while specifying that the annual turnover is nearly 50 million FCfa.</p> <p>It should be noted that if the Souralet de Brobo cooperative was able to benefit from this shelling unit, it is thanks to the Ppca. &ldquo;Government policy is to succeed in transforming a good part of cashew production. These shelling units aim to achieve this objective in the years to come, &rdquo;revealed Vincent Nakan Djan. Who wanted to point out that to date, a dozen cooperatives have benefited from such a unit in the producing areas. &ldquo;Each unit costs FCfa 20 million,&rdquo; he said.</p>
