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  • Cashew: White Tea vs W180

    Sep 21st, 2013

    <p>The comparison between W180 and any superior white tea may be a joke as cashew and tea are categorically different from one another.</p> <p>But some similarities can be established as both belong to the expensive food and beverage items. When there are lavish spenders who can purchase the &lsquo;Superior Grade Virgin White Tea&rsquo; around $1500/kilo, Why the price of the most scarce grade cashew kernel W180 should be just around ` 9500-11000 for a Tin/Premium/11.340 kgs?</p> <p>The percentage of the &lsquo;Premium Grade W180&prime; is less than 2% of the global kernel production! Therefore if there is a collective effort, processors can fix $15/pound for the &lsquo;Premium W180 Grade (Japan Export Quality),&rsquo; for the global markets and ` 25000/Tin/!11.340kgs, in the Indian Markets.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p>
