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  • Training workshop on agricultural finance in Africa to be held in Togo

    Oct 3rd, 2017

    <p>A regional training workshop on agricultural finance is held throughout the week in Lom&eacute;. Organized by FAO as part of the multi- partner program support mechanism (FMM) , in partnership with the African Rural and Agricultural Credit Association (Afraca) and the ECOWAS Investment Bank ( EBID ) , the participants in the workshop are heads of the financial and agricultural sectors of C&ocirc;te d&#39;Ivoire, Benin, Ghana, Mali, Togo of course, but also of Kenya, Zambia, Ethiopia, Uganda, Mozambique, DR Congo, Cameroon and Rwanda.</p> <p>A crucial issue is that if 70% of the working population in sub-Saharan Africa is working in agriculture, the sector receives less than 3% of total bank loans, recalled yesterday at the opening of the workshop Lucile Imboua-Niava, representative by the FAO in Togo.This week&#39;s review will examine the approach to financing value chains, the different business models, the financial market assessment for the agricultural sector, the analysis of recent market trends in agricultural finance, and as the instruments available to access financial services, &quot;said FAO.</p> <p>&quot; We are going to give the players present all the tools to meet the challenges and constraints limiting access to finance in order to achieve better agriculture, &quot; said Saleh Usman Gashua, general secretary of Afraca .It should be noted that Togo, as host country, has included in its new National Program for Agricultural Investment and Food and Nutritional Security (Pniasan), which is currently being finalized, policy measures and priority actions in favor of rural finance , .alone.</p>
