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  • Forecast Predicts Biggest Harvest Ever For California Almond Growers

    Jul 24th, 2017

    <p>California almond growers are looking at the biggest crop ever according to a U.S. Department of Agriculture forecast.Even bigger harvests are in the future. Money does grow on trees and it&rsquo;s in the form of 2.25 billion pounds of nuts predicted to be harvested starting in August.That&rsquo;s more than a 5 percent increase over last year. Manteca almond grower Dave Phippen says that will mean prices staying the same for consumers and growers.</p> <p>He adds that California has over a million acres of almonds and future harvests are likely to set new records. &ldquo;We have 300,000 acres of almonds that aren&rsquo;t yet producing, so at the acreage production of 2,000 pounds per acres, there&rsquo;s an additional 600 million pounds of almonds that could be available in the next three years.&rdquo;California provides more than 80 percent of the world&rsquo;s almond production.</p>
