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  • Ivory Coast aims to produce 650 000 tonnes of RCN in 2020 (PM)

    Nov 27th, 2014

    <p>C&ocirc;te d&#39;Ivoire Plans to Achieve an overall Cashew production Estimated at 650 000 tonnes in 2020, said on Wednesday, Prime Minister Daniel Kablan Duncan, at the opening of the first International Exhibition of Equipment and Technologies Transformation Cashew (SIETTA 2014).</p> <p>According to the Prime Minister Duncan, the program Adopted by the Government to address the challenge of Transforming the Economic and Cashew and social issues related to this transformation is to Strengthen the promotion of private Investment and targeted support of state.</p> <p>It boils down to access to finance, a mechanism to support the quality improvement, type assistance in marketing and actions of Capacity Building.</p> <p>&#39;&#39; Through this program, the Government Plans to Achieve one hand, a conversion rate of about 35% or about 230,000 tonnes of raw Cashews Estimated production in 2016 for a total of 650,000 tons and at the other, a conversion rate of 100% in 2020 &#39; &#39;he said.</p> <p>For Malamine Sanogo, Director-General of the Council Cotton and Cashew (CCA) and the Commissioner General of the Exhibition, &#39;&#39; SIETTA AIMS 2014 to popularize Innovative technologies of processing equipment and Cashew, Ensure improved profitability of processing units in C&ocirc;te d&#39;Ivoire Encourage local and consumption of Cashew and the its derivatives. &#39;&#39;</p> <p>&#39;The Cashew sector shouldnt move Towards greater industrialization in order to capture the significant value for the its income to Ensure Sustainable Producers. Is it for the CCA and the actors Acquire the means clustering to tăng Situation of the die of a mere exporting producer of the largest consumer of Cashew Cashew kernels ... &#39;&#39; said Mr. Sanogo .dropoff window</p> <p>Ivory Coast is the first African producer of Cashew nuts with a production of 520,000 tonnes in 2014. The show Continues off until Friday, with animated Thematic Exhibitions and workshops by national and international experts.</p>
