<p>The Interprofessional Fund for Research and the Agricultural Council (FIRCA) is planning to set up management consulting services for the monitoring of producers and professional organizations of five agricultural sectors in the regions of Poro, Gbêkê and Haut- Sassandra.As a prelude to the start of this project, a first information and awareness-raising workshop was held Tuesday in Korhogo to present the project and to explain the role of the actors involved in it to the administrative authorities and the heads of the professional agricultural organizations (OPAs) concerned.</p> <p>For the region of Poro where a Center for Rural Economy and Management (CeGER) and a Regional Steering and Monitoring Committee (CROS) will be set up, these include maize, rice, market gardeners, cashew nuts And cotton, which have been identified as potential food chains.Funded by the Agence Française de Développement, the management consultancy service is a three-year pilot project that is part of the implementation of the Côte d'Ivoire Sustainable Agricultural Sectors Program (FADCI) . It aims to accompany changes in agricultural practices and management of resources likely to improve the living conditions of the Ivorian population, it is said.</p>