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  • Argentina: Catamarca can triple its nut production

    Jul 6th, 2016

    <p>The Ministry of Production of the province estimated that Catamarca had the potential to improve its production by 200%. Marcelo Varela, provincial coordinator of the Nut Production Plan, highlighted the joint work between the productive portfolio, INTA, and the municipalities.Varela said that, based on an estimate by the INTA, Catamarca - which produced 17 million dollars in nuts in 2015-&nbsp; had a high potential to improve that figure and eventually produce for 49 million dollars in nuts.In this regard, he said, the launch of the Nut Production Plan had been the result of the work with producers at a symposium in Santa Maria. "We knew the sector was growing, but we noticed it was growing much more than expected. This growth is due to the worldwide increase in nut consumption because of their health benefits," he said.Varela said they intended to create a working table with nut producers to project improvements for the sector for the next 20 years. "We have several objectives. We must specialize human resources, incorporate technology, work in financing, product development, market development, and promote sustainable use of resources," he said.In that sense, he said producers may be part of this plan through a joint effort between Agricultural&nbsp; Zones, regional coordinators, and municipalities. "We want to reach all producers, not only large companies," Varela said.<br></p>
