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  • Applied research preparations that productivity growth in Gia Lai

    Jul 5th, 2016

    <p></p><p>Research and application of preparations that productivity growth in Gia Lai <br></p> <p>I. INTRODUCTION Over the years, the cashew is considered one of the major crops of the province of Gia Lai suit soil conditions, climate and economic livelihoods of several districts as Kong Chro, Krong Pa, Ayun Pa ... <br></p> <p>However, the development of crops that in these areas there is spontaneous, mainly plantation of birth (planted by seed), the low proportion of bisexual flowers (from 3-5%), measures farming techniques such as fertilization, pruning create, pest, especially the use of measures to increase the ability of flowering, fruiting to increase productivity thing applies not be noticeable, so the garden tree growth and uneven development, low average yield <br></p> <p>From the basis of scientific and practical research on the application of preparations that productivity gains along with technical support solutions such as fertilizing, pruning, thinning, control pests objects key to improving the state of things in the district yield cashew Gia Lai province's key issues is essential and urgent in order to contribute to increase income, improve the economic life of the people in the local peoples you. <br></p> <p>So the Center for Applied Research in Agroforestry Gia Lai studied the subject: "The application of the composition to increase productivity and quality of cashew nuts in three major cashew growing districts (Kong Chro, Krong Pa, Ia Grai ) of Gia Lai province "contribute to building technical solutions to improve productivity, quality and sustainable development at the local cashew<br></p><p></p>

    Source: WASI