<p>In Côte d'Ivoire, the project to promote the competitiveness of the Cashew Value Chain (PPCA) is advancing and the mechanisms for its financing are following. Starting next March, cost-shared subsidies (SCP) will be implemented in the cashew production chain. Côte d'Ivoire, the largest African exporter and the world's second largest producer of raw cashew nuts, wants to improve the organization, competitiveness and inclusion of small producers. </p><p>It is from March 2019 that the application of cost-sharing mechanisms for the financing of projects in the cashew sector will become effective . These deadlines were announced on the sidelines of a regional workshop to launch the project to promote the competitiveness of the cashew value chain (PPCA) in Tchologo.</p> <p>These cost-shared subsidies (SCP) have been put in place as part of the support measures for actors in the cashew nut sector . Through this mechanism, the State in partnership with the World Bank , set up a dedicated line of financing, which will make a partial contribution ranging from 50 to 80%, to the actors of the sector, to allow them to realize their investments in this sector. The funding mechanisms for cashew projects take into account all activities in the sector.</p> <p>"The cashew nut is one of the main sources of income for small farmers in Côte d'Ivoire and the centerpiece of the country's major farming systems. This sector concerns about 2 million people, mainly in the poorer north of the country, where it has become the main source of monetary income in rural areas, " explained Pierre Laporte , director of the World Bank's operations for Côte d'Ivoire. Ivory Coast , April 10, 2018, at the time of approval of the agreement by the World Bank .</p><b>Grants for 225,000 Ivorian producers</b> <p>The Bretton Woods Institution last year approved a $ 200 million loan to promote the cashew nut sector in Côte d'Ivoire. Through this project, conducted in coordination with the Ivorian government, nearly 225,000 producers will benefit directly from interventions under the Cashew Value Chain Competitiveness Support Project. The project extends to the entire value chain. This includes small processing units, industrial plants with an annual capacity of 3,000 to 10,000 tons, and small and medium-sized enterprises engaged in the storage of raw cashew nuts. These investments are expected to generate nearly 12,000 direct jobs, 50% of which are held by women, according to World Bank figures.</p> <p>"By developing the cashew nut industry and further integrating it into global markets, this new project is expected to create jobs in rural areas through agriculture and industrialization, which will help to reduce poverty," the statement said. from the World Bank.</p> <b>Cashew, third export product of Côte d'Ivoire</b> <br><p></p><p>Côte d'Ivoire is currently the world's largest exporter and second largest producer of raw cashew nuts. For the year 2017, production amounted to 711,000 tons , equivalent to 23% of world production, for export revenues estimated at $ 800 million. This figure puts cashew nuts in third place on Côte d'Ivoire's list of export products, after cocoa and refined petroleum products. <br></p>