<p>In a bid to tide over the crisis in the cashew sector, the Kerala State Cashew Development Corporation (KSCDC) and the Kerala State Cashew Workers Apex Industrial Cooperative Society (Capex) have launched high-quality nuts in various grades targeting the domestic market. Sourced from organic farms and drum-roasted to ensure quality and taste, the product will be available to local customers at reasonable rates. </p><p>“Instead of focussing on exports we have introduced this new marketing strategy tapping into the domestic market. Since the nuts from KSCDC and Capex factories are processed in the traditional way, they have the highest quality. There will be an Onam offer of 25% discount from September 1 to 30 as well,” said Minister J. Mercykutty Amma, launching the KSCDC’s jumbo size nuts priced at ₹1,388 after discount here on Wednesday.</p> <p>As part of expanding the domestic market, Capex will also introduce new standup pouches, offering traditional borma nuts at affordable prices.</p> <p><b>Direct sales</b></p> <p>“We will be doing direct sales through factory outlets, expos, government offices, Consumerfed, Horticorp, Supplyco, police canteens, and Thalir outlets of the Vegetable and Fruit Promotion Council Keralam. Kudumbashree units will be used for marketing and factory labourers will be given sales incentives,” the Minister said.</p> <p>Along with plain cashew, various value-added products, including roasted and salted cashew, cashew soup, cashew powder, cashew vita, and chocolate coated cashew, are also available at a discount rate.</p> <p>“We are also offering products from cashew apple such as cashew soda, cashew jam, and cashew juice. There is provision for online shopping and products will be delivered to customers at various places through India Post and Marketfed,” said KSCDC chairman S.Jayamohan.</p> <p><b>Enough RCN stock</b></p> Talking about the availability of raw cashew nut (RCN), the Minister said at present Capex had enough raw material to function till January 2020. “The RCN procured through the Cashew Board will ensure maximum working days and we are looking forward to achieve a target turnover of ₹100 crore in 2019-20 fiscal. Moreover, 1,700 new labourers had been recruited in various government factories since this government came to power,” she said. <br><p></p>