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  • Bura Irrigation scheme to boost coconut, cashew nut production

    Feb 22nd, 2019

    <p>About 80 acres from the Bura Irrigation Scheme has been put under coconut and cashew nuts seedlings production in a bid to boost the production of the two cash crops as well as increase the forest cover in the coastal region. Bura Irrigation Scheme Manager Felix Shiundu says the 50 million shillings project will offer area residents an alternative source of livelihood. In a bid to increase the country’s forest cover; the government has started developing coconut and cashew nuts seedlings at the Bura Irrigation Scheme. <br></p><p> The project will see over 50,000 farmers in Tana River, Lamu and Malindi receive free seedling in the next 3 months. Shiundu says trials for the cashew nuts have been successful in Tana River and plans are underway to test the seedlings in other counties. He says the two cash crops will increase farmers earnings as plans are underway to secure markets for the cashew nuts and coconuts. <br></p>
