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  • $ 565 million from IFAD to diversify agriculture in Guinea Bissau

    Mar 5th, 2020

    <p></p><p>Guinea-Bissau will launch a program to diversify its agriculture to reduce its dependence on rice or cashew monocultures, fight poverty and increase its resilience to climate change, with the help of the United Nations. In total, the investment relates to € 65.7 million.</p> <p>Given the arid Sahelian climate, the program includes measures to reduce bush fires and deforestation, improve water management, increase the organic matter content of cultivated soils and preserve and create forests on the plateaus, indicates in a press release the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD). It will be implemented in four regions, Baata, Cacheu, Gabu and Oio and will develop 14,000 ha of watersheds as well as 3,500 ha of cultivable lowlands. In addition, 175 kilometers of roads, three semi-wholesale markets, five weekly markets and two collection centers will be renovated.</p> <p>The funding includes a loan of $ 11.8 million and a donation of $ 4.3 million from IFAD. The State of Guinea-Bissau contributes $ 7.6 million, to which is added $ 4.9 million contributed by the beneficiaries themselves as well as co-financing coming from other development partners, specifies the Fida.</p><br><p></p>
