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  • Côte d'Ivoire subsidizes 87% of high-yield cashew grafted plants

    Mar 24th, 2020

    <p></p><p>Côte d'Ivoire is subsidizing almost 87% of the grafted cashew plants for the 2020 campaign, the Cotton and Cashew Council said in a press release.</p> <p>Are made available to producers and anyone interested in the cultivation of cashew trees grafted plants with high yield. On a unit price of FCFA 750, the grafted plant receives a subsidy of FCA 650, the beneficiary's contribution being reduced to FCFA 100.</p> <p>Certain conditions must be met to benefit from these subsidized plants, specifies the Cotton and Cashew Council:</p> <p>&nbsp;- be registered on the list of applicants for seedlings with the CNRA, Anader (regional offices and zones), nurserymen, general management and regional delegations of the Cotton Council and Anader,</p> <p>&nbsp;- have a plot ready to receive grafted plants (cleaned ground, prepared soil, drilling made according to standards, etc.),</p> <p>&nbsp;- be provided with a removal voucher established by the Anader zone of the locality where the plot is located, after validation and geo-referencing of the site.</p><p></p>
