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  • Two Dangerous Situations in This Year’s Raw Cashew Trade. 1) Loan Defaults

    Apr 19th, 2016

    <p></p><p>Reckless buyers will have to pay the penalty when the trade is in the hands of black marketeers. However, both buyers and sellers may land in a very dangerous situation in this year’s international raw cashew trade. <br></p> <p>Thousands of Indian processors are suffering huge losses from the first month of the calendar year. They are losing nearly 5% of their capital on month on month basis. When the capital erosion continues, release of the imported inventory will become highly difficult. <br></p> <p>Already some small-scale processors faced liquidity problems in the fiscal year-end month of March. <br></p> <p>Reckless buyer, who becomes a puppet in the hands of rumor mongers and black marketeers will certainly become a loan defaulter. Completely stopping the raw cashew buying is the only remedy for survival.<br></p><p></p>
