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  • 88% of Thai investors in Vietnam processing industry

    Mar 17th, 2016

    <p></p><p>New figures published by the Department of Foreign Investment (MPI) shows that currently there are many Thai investors poured into VN. <br></p> <p>Count 2 months of the year, there were 428 projects from Thailand to invest in VN with a total investment of about 7.88 billion US dollars, ranking 11/112 countries and territories having investment projects in VN. <br></p> <p>Thai investors focused mainly on the field of processing industry, manufacturing with 200 projects and nearly $ 7 billion investment (47% of total projects and 88% of the total investment capital of Thailand Finland in VN). <br></p> <p>Then the field of agriculture, forestry and fisheries with 31 projects, reaching 235.4 million dollars invested. The data also showed that the form of investment in Thailand in VN mainly 100% foreign-invested or joint ventures accounted for 70% of Thailand, 30% of Vietnamese capital.</p><p>Ng. Fall<br></p><p></p>

    Source: Youth OL