<p>Hazelnut mite have been found in Victoria’s north east and within the Dandenong Ranges, for the first time in Australia, according to the Nursery and Garden Industry Victoria (NGIV). The pest has the industry on alert.The mite (Tetranycopsis horridus) feeds on hazelnut leaves causing discoloration. It attacks the hazelnut leaf, both young and mature varieties, and is found mostly on the under surface, along with its eggs and cast skins.The main host is hazelnut, but it has been reported on other species including walnut, spruce, pine, and yarrow.In other countries, the species has reportedly a broad geographic distribution that includes Europe (from Spain to western Russia), China, and the United States of America.According to the NGIV, there are currently no chemicals approved for use in Australia for control of hazelnut mite, but in Victoria off label use of some pesticides may be permitted in specific circumstances.The NGIV encouraged its members to examine nursery stock or groves for symptoms of white or yellowish feeding spots on the upper leaf surface and the leaf underside for black spider mites.The NGIV also encouraged growers to check clothing, machinery and tools before leaving a host tree location as the mites are easily spread.According to the Hazelnut Growers of Australia (HGA) website, Australia has about 200 hectares under hazelnuts, including young orchards yet to come into production, grown by some 70 producers.<br></p>