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  • IVC: Season occur normally, purchasing floor price increase

    Feb 1st, 2016

    <p></p><p>Seasonal thing Northern Hemisphere region (Vietnam, India, Ivory Coast, ...) is taking place normally. In Vietnam, the crop will arrive later than every year as identified by a number of agricultural experts. Binh Phuoc area last January lunar starters, Dong Nai later from 2-3 weeks. <br></p> <p>Due to weather Elnino, in Vietnam weather starts to get cold more, the temperature difference day - night in the area under cultivation increased focus. In Ivory Coast phenomenon rare desert sand storm first appeared in the country's capital of Abidjan, ... <br></p> <p>*** As representatives VINACAS at IVC, the floor price of IVC farmgate crop is expected for 2016 of 400 FCFA / Kg (~ $ 0.66 / kg) - the real rate is much higher than the price 2015 of the IVC floors (Purchasing at 275 FCFA garden - buy at warehouse on material areas 300 FCFA - buy at port 352 FCFA). <br></p> <p>School location<br></p><p></p>

    Source: VINACAS