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  • India to increase almond imports

    Oct 9th, 2012

    <p>Indian almond imports are expected to rise by 7.2% this year, bringing an anticipated total of 80,000 tons.In the 2011-12 financial year India imported 74,600 tons of almonds, a USDA report says. However, there has been a rise in demand this season.India is dependent on imports of almonds as national production only reaches levels of 1,200 tons.US grown nuts account for 72% of the total import requirement and Australia, China, Afghanistan, Iran and Syria are also amongst suppliers.The USDA report suggests that non traditional suppliers could benefit from the increased market demand. Nations thought to be in line for a share of trade include South Korea, Japan, Italy, Malaysia, Thailand and several African countries.The demand for nuts in the country typically peaks between September and January and domestic prices have tended upwards as of last month.<br></p>
