<p>In Yamoussoukro, Mamadou Coulibaly Sangafowa, the Ivorian Minister of Agriculture announced that the Ivorian cashew nut production in 2015 would have exceeded that of India. But his figures are already challenged. Alongside the cocoa of the new campaign launching ceremony in Yamoussoukro, Mamadou Coulibaly Sangafowa, the Ivorian Minister of Agriculture announced that the Ivorian cashew nut production had reached 700,000 tons in 2015, making the Coast Ivory "the largest producer of cashew" to India. <br></p> <p>The figures given by Mamadou Coulibaly Sangafowa are significantly higher than those mentioned in the last few months by industry experts that indicated an Ivorian harvest of 625 000 tonnes between February and late July. On the side of Abidjan, it is indicated that these data were not consolidated and do not account for cargo being delivered then. <br></p> <p>War figures <br></p> <p>Unlike other agricultural commodities such as cocoa or coffee, cashew industry's lack of governing bodies regulating the sector globally. In fact, a war of figures between exporting remains possible. According advanced the data side of the Ivorian authorities, production in India would not have reached 600 000 tonnes this season, particularly because of climate problems. <br></p> <p>Indications contradicted by market analysts cashew. According to a specialist in agricultural markets consulted by Jeune Afrique, Indian production in 2015 would be around 760,000 tonnes, the Ivorian figures above estimates, but lower than the 800 000 tonnes mentioned by the Indian authorities in recent weeks. <br></p> <p>Exceptional <br></p> <p>All experts agree on however the exceptional growth of the Ivorian cashew nut production in recent years, driven by a net increase in cultivated areas. According to the World Report Cashew Handbook 2014 [PDF], the country recorded strong growth in gross Cashew Production (16.84% on average per year between 2001 and 2013). <br></p> <p>As for the Ivorian authorities, it especially emphasizes the positive effects of "incentive award" driven by the government, including a farmgate price was trading around 275 CFA francs per kilo, but has sometimes reached levels of 650 CFA francs " because of the strong competition stimulated by the authorization granted to exporters to dispose of warehouses within the country, "says Jeune Afrique a government source. <br></p> <p>"Marketing is structured and quality has improved. Our reform has to pass on the good performance of world prices on the Ivorian producers and pulled up the other African producing countries, "said our source. <br></p> <p>The turnover of the sector increased from 200 billion CFA francs in 2013 to 337,000,000,000 CFA francs (€ 514 million) in 2015. The producers saw their incomes rise by 68% according to the authorities.<br></p>