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  • Mozambique: Ban on cashew sales before official start date reinforced

    Oct 11th, 2024

    The ban on carrying out selling cashew nuts before the official start date of the 2024-2025 marketing campaign established for each territorial area has been reinforced, within the framework of a new regulation made public this week.

    According to the Almonds Institute of Mozambique (IAM), the establishment of rules and procedures to be observed in the harvest marketing is an important instrument for materialising the subsector’s strategy to increase the quantity, and improve the quality of the product sold.

    During the first session of the Almond Committee, on September 13, 2024, a reference purchase price of cashew nuts from the producer of 45.00 meticais per kilogram was approved for the 2024-2025 marketing campaign.

    According to the IAM, the reference price will be updated whenever there is a significant fluctuation in the international market.

    In this context, trade and industry associations should collaborate with local and community administrative authorities in publicising and complying with marketing procedures.

    The prices to be charged by interested parties, at secondary level, will be established according to the quality of the product and by mutual agreement between the parties involved, using the reference price list for the producer as the basis for negotiation.

    According to the regulation made public this week, marketing is carried out in the form of transactions, by an actor duly registered with the IAM or by local administrative authorities delegated by it.

    The trader who holds a licence that allows him to market agricultural or industrial products duly registered under the terms of the regulations may be registered to purchase the product.
